Audio -2- Amazon

~ book & content writing ~

Complete Lesson Plan

Welcome Watch First

No intro, (of course welcome) straight into the lessons! 

  • (L1) Critical How We Learn

Customers are now Consumers, so how do they, we, all “consume, learn & absorb” information.

  • (L2) How To Navigate The Portal

How to: get around the class, lessons  & modules, return to where you left of,  select which lesson & when you need it



Module 1: Story It

Crating a story, fictional, non-fictional, training content. Authority comes through powerful storytelling.

  • (L3) Book Types & Why They'll Read It

The 4 Whys that motivate your readers

  • (L4) The 4 Whys & Learn Motives

The cross reference checklist - Motives to learn vs. Why we want to

  • (L5) A.S.S.U.R.E. Model vs. The 4 Whys

Capturing the 6 elements of your story (how you assure people) & aligning them to people's "why"

  • (L6) 9 Must-Haves Of Your Book

A sequenced 3x3x3 list of the psychology of crafting your content (book-pdf-brochure-video script)

  • (L7) The 3 Keys To Elite Storytelling

Great storytellers master these 3 keys, knowing to tell from two, teach from one


Module 2: Speak It

Capturing, listing, packaging up for your content, then recording it in sequence

  • (L8) Chapter n' verse n' voice

Taking the 9 must have elements and breaking them down in voice notes

  • (L9) How To Record Your Message

Simple tips, strategies and tactics to record audio for transcription

  • (L10) 4 Whys & Learn Motives

Reconnecting to the 4 Whys people want to learn and the 4 Motives that keep them committed

  • (L11) Unlimited Content Recordings

Too many people tell me they don't know where to find content - here are my recommendations

  • (L12) Smartphone Voice Notes

A simple tutorial on creating a voice note


Module 3: Scribe It

We've packaged the content, connected to the audiences, Why and Motives. Now, let's create the content.

  • (L13) Prepin' The Section For MP3

Tactics I use to create my books. Simple, concise, time savers

  • (L14) Recruit on Upwork for Transcribers

We interviewed several top transcribers to find out their Top 10 list that attracts the best

  • (L15) 10 Kindle Must-haves

From the front cover to the back cover, what are the top 10 (applies to books - video - PDF content also)

  • (L16) Recruit On Upwork For Proof & Editing

Again, we interviewed top proofers to identify what they look for in accepting the top jobs.

  • (L17) Images & Flow For Kindle

Using visual imagery for flow, impact and engagement in your content


Module 4: Seize It

Placing your book - content into the online world

  • (L18) Publishing Your Book On Amazon

My take on the best practice to share and release your message



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