What High Performance means to me

A Highly Emotional and Inspired Answer

When our lives are done, all that is left behind is the impact we had on others.

Seminars on Napkins

Seminars on Napkins

A common occurrence, when I'm out & about is scribbling down life lessons on napkins when I'm asked.

Feeding the Kids

Feeding the Kids

Ever imagined what it feels like to know that kids somewhere in the world, went to bed not hungry? It's amazing!

Truth Never Hurts

Truth Never Hurts

Every time you or I face up to the truth, notice how it never hurts. The hurt is in Fearing, Predicating & Blaming it.

Leadership, my definition

Leadership, my definition

To hold up a mirror & let someone else see a vision of themselves based on the example you are.

Entrepreneurs to CEOs

The most constant question I am asked today, the fastest growing issue for all businesses is "Mastering People".

People - our greatest resource in business, personally & in every factor of our lives.

Learning the difference between inspiring and motivating people is the single most impactful thing I have discovered - now I teach it.

Inspire people to think, of course.

Motivate them to Act, oh my!


Impacting a Child's Life

My contribution to helping others.

With my Executive Assistant, Jane, & supported by Mae, we "Pledge" to feed the kids.

Ever imagined what it is like to have a child go to bed not hungry because of you? It's amazing!


The Greatest Life Lesson

From an Infant Boy's 159-day Life
"I Pledge to Teach his Lesson to Others"