#1 Horizons: 3 Keys to High Performance

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2016

#1 De Sede Horizons - 3 Keys to High Performance



Horizon Session Podcast:

Horizons Session Transcript

#1 Horizons 3 Keys to Hi Performance

Hi everyone! It's Stephen De Sede. Welcome to Horizons.  

Everything I do in relation to high performance, whether it's in video or 1-2-1 in training or coaching with me or facilitating, all comes down to three specific keys that every high-performer uses and then five steps that they execute their ability with. 

So in this short video I just want to cover what these three keys are and in the next video we're going to talk about what these five steps are. 

Right now, in the Olympic Games, the ultra, elite performers from an athletic perspective are all getting for Rio. Every single thing we're going to cover in the next two videos succinctly describes how this ultra, uber, elite performers at the Olympic level will be doing. 

First of all, first key, they are totally honest with themselves; absolutely completely honest with themselves in terms of their ability. The second thing is they have complete courage; totally courageous to go up against the world's best and perform at that level. And then finally, they are what I call relentlessly committed to what they're trying to achieve. 

In some instances, many of them will know that they're not going to be on the medal podiums, but they are still relentlessly committed with total courage and complete honestly about what they want. And what they want is dictated by these five steps. 

In the next video in the High Performance Horizon series, we'll talk about the "Five Steps of High Performance".


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