#1 Street Sessions - Hi Performance's No. 1 Enemy

#1 Street Sessions - Doubt

Doubt, the everyday life and death white line we never give a thought to.


Yet the everyday doubts we invest so much time to, undermine our performance in everything we do. In this Street Session video, Steve BLASTS doubt in a 90-second burst that will propel your performance with this simple mind shift.

"Jump the line" stop the doubt - High Performers must-have in just 90 seconds! 

Street Sessions: Podcast

Street Session: Transcript

#1 Doubt
We are on, cool.
Remember a couple of days ago, we were driving along the coast road, the Great Ocean Road.
We were driving along showing Wouter the Great Ocean Road on his visit from Holland. I just wanted to share something about the white line.
The white line and about doubt.
How often do you go down the road doubting whether the person coming on the other side of this line is going to change lanes without asking you?
You don’t. You just do it, without doubt. Without a shadow of a doubt you just do it.
Today, over there, people are doing exactly that. They are driving back and forward—wrong side of the road for those of you in the states and in Europe, we just accept that they will not jump lanes.
Tomorrow morning, Monday, you wake up as a parent, you go to work as an employee or as a business owner and you doubt things. But you drive down the road and you don’t doubt.
I don’t doubt that guy is not going to ride into me. I just accept that he is on his side and I am on mine.
How aware are you of your doubts and how irrelevant that they are, because we drive every single day with a line, that is life and death and we never take it for granted.
It does not bother me that guy is going to jump my lane but so many people, tomorrow morning, Sunday today, on a Monday they will go to work and they will doubt so many obvious things, but they will drive to work and take for granted that no one is going to jump the line.
Jump the line and do whatever it is that is in your heart and stop doubting yourself.
Ok, that will do.
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