#2 Horizons - Excellence v Competition

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2016

Do you act out of Excellence or direct competition of your nearest competitor?

In this 90-second Horizons Session, Stephen De Sede shares on the whiteboard a simple philosophy and model to apply in today's knowledge economy.


In this 60-second Street Session, I discussed one simple tactic that will empower your every moment.

Street Session: Transcript

Horizons #2: Excellence
I want to share a very simple philosophy.
What I have called the Art of Distinction in this Knowledge Economy.
The Knowledge Economy now has every bit of humanities information now instantly available out of the palm of our hands. Trying to find how is no longer the problem, we are overwhelmed with how too, what we are looking for is someone who is a trusted service advisor.
The web has gone from how, it is now Who so this quote is extremely important in the era that we are entering and continuing to go through.
Act out of excellence, the excellence of who you are, not out of the competition of who you are up against. The spiral of competition.
Along time ago I heard someone from stage say, the contest of life is against yourself.
Be excellent in who you are, in the expertise that you have in your brand, your business, your goods and services whatever that may be.
In an era where people are looking for who you are, act out of the excellence of who you are not out of the competition.
In the De Sede Group we talk about, there is no competition just lesser alternatives if you are acting from your true self and reaching and teaching in this knowledge economy from that place.
Until I see you in the next video, leave some comments and questions below, be well, be brilliant and be excellent in the way you serve those that are waiting for you.

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