#2 Street Sessions - One Thing Determines Everything

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2016

Street Sessions #2 - The One Thing


In this 60-second Street Session, we look at the one thing that determines everything, and how much of a useful tool, tip and technique this is to manage, lead, and create high performance.

Street Sessions Podcast:


Street Session: Transcript

#2 One Thing
In this session I am going to tell you about one thing.
The best advice I have ever been given is simply in this statement, "The way you do one thing is the way you do everything."
So take a seat and ask yourself two sets of questions of yourself and the people around you. What is the one way that you do everything?
Whether it is in terms of your honesty, your commitment to work hard, whatever it is. The way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
So if you are dealing with people that are not being totally honest with you, they are not being totally honest with anyone.
So my question to you and what is the street smart here, "What is the one way you do everything that is an example to everyone that you meet?"
Ah, we got it.
Have you got a question about high performance? Leave it below and we will shoot a street session just for you.

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