#3 Horizons - 5 Steps To High Performance

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2016

In this 60-second Street Session, I discussed one simple tactic that will empower your every moment.

Street Session: Transcript

Hi its Stephe De Sede, we have talked about high performance.

What are the three keys.

They are Totally Honest with themselves, they are Completely Courageous and they are relentlessly Committed toward these five steps. In every thing we do in the Horizons video sequences, all my course and if you work 1-2-1 with me in whatever form that we do that, every single thing is dedicated to these five steps.

So what is the first step a high performer always goes for?

What’s their Dream.

Average performers will start up here and I will come to that in a moment. What is their Dream and we have talked about the Olympics. How many of the Olympic athletes right now have a Dream and a Destination that is beyond Rio, but is what is it that they want, that they are completely honest about, relentlessly courageous, relentlessly committed to achieve.

What is yours.

What is the Dream and Destination that you want in your personal life or in your business. What is it and how focused are you on it.

Number Two, what is your Talent.

What are you good at, what do you love to do.

Being completely honest with yourself. What are you good at? How Courageous are you at improving yourself at it every single time and how relentlessly Committed are you to constantly looking for never ending improvement in what you love to do, what you’re good at.

Thirdly, Resources.

High Performances have an unbelievable awareness of the Resources that are around them. How do they use those Resources to fulfil their Talent in relation to the destination and Dream that they want.

High Performances have an unbelievable aware of what they have got to use, what’s around them.

Fourth, Strategy.

High performers see Strategy as nothing more than a Destination and a Time to arrive there. Strategy to a high performer is, where do I want to be and when do I want to be there or by, period!

That will use the Resources I have, with the Talent that I have got in the Destination and Dream that I want. What is my Strategy and to a high performer, I’m saying it again, it’s simply this.

Where do I want to be and when do I want to be there by.

And finally, this is where average performers begin, what is my Tactic. What’s the first thing that you are going to do on the journey to your Destination, based on your Talent, based on the resources that are available to you, based on the where you want to be and by when, what is the first best step that you are going to take.

For average performers, they start here (Tactic). For Elite performers they start down here (Dream). That’s why you’ll hear, keeping on the Olympic theme. You’ll hear some of the Olympians that are successful in Rio, that we have never heard of, they will tell you from the moment they began as a gymnast, for example, their Dream was to win Olympic Gold.

Everything that they did was to build their Talent with the Resources that are available on the time and Destination to arrive at that elite performance in Rio that may win them a gold or just win the ability to say, I am an Olympian.

What is your level of commitment against each of these five steps. Based on. How Honest are you against each one?

How Courageous are you against each one and how relentlessly Committed are you to achieving your Dream with your Talents, the Resources you have based on the Strategy based on your Tactic.

Everything we do in the De Sede Group is based on these three keys and these five steps and it is the reason I finish all of my videos simply with this, Be Well and Be Brilliant by being Totally Honest, Completely Courageous and Relentlessly Committed.

I’ll see you in the next video.

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