#3 Street Sessions - Sleek, Focused, Committed

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2016

Streets Session #3 Straight


Street Session: Podcast

Street Session: Transcript

#3 Straight
In this session, I am going to tell about going dead straight.
Can you imagine if one of these things had a social media page, website, Instagram—all of that kind of stuff? Can you imagine if one of these had that? What do you think their number one message would be?
They are only built to do one thing and one thing only. That is all they are built to do.
They are built to be sleek, to be fast, to point in one direction and go. How much in everything you do, whether it is in business or in your personal life, how much are you designed to be as sleek and as specific as these are? How much?
How often are you splaying across so many different subjects because you are being dragged into so many different directions?
When these things get in the water, there is only one thing that determines their direction—the commitment of the people who are rowing to go in the right direction and to go and go and go with a single-minded purpose.
What’s yours? Because if these guys and girls had a social media presence online there is only one thing that they would do—to be in the water going dead straight.
So what is the street smart? In every single thing that you do, how dead straight are you?
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