#4 Horizons - 5 Steps to Elite Execution

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2016

In this 60-second Street Session, I discussed one simple tactic that will empower your every moment.

Street Session: Transcript

#4 Horizons - 5 Steps to Elite Execution

In this video I want to talk to you about someone we all know, Usain Bolt the world record holder of the 100 metres, and many other things, but the 100 metre sprint.

I want to talk to you about the five steps to being elite and use Bolt as an example.

At the beginning, at the zero metre mark of his 100 metre dash, he and all other elite athletes, elite performers do five things.

First of all they Stop, they get very Present, they Focus, they Engage and then they Execute. And I want to ask you, have you noticed that elite people seam to be very still.

Before, Federer, Nadal and those people serve, they are very still. Before a Fourmla One race they are very still. Usain Bolt, to use our example, is very very still.

Have you noticed that they are very present. There is no past failure or there is no future, they are just very present of what they have to do in this moment. They are not worried about the past, they are not worried about expectation of the future they are just very present.

Have you noticed that elite people are very targeted about what they are doing, they are very focused. They have a plan that they engage when they Execute. But what they execute is not their ability, they execute their Mastery.

The Elite Execute their Mastery, the Average execute their ability.

So if we take this into the 100 metre dash. At the beginning, he stops, gets very still,no past or future, gets very focused on the target and as you know he looks up and looks down at the target.

He then engages his plan and for the first 35 metres as he rises out of the blocks, his head is down and he is just engaging his plan. At about the 35 metre mark, you’ll notice when he runs, he lifts his head and at that point he executes his Mastery.

His Mastery is not his ability to run fast, that’s just his talent, his talent and his ability.

What Bolt has done is Mastered it to such a degree that from the 35 metre mark to the world record elite performance is completed, all he is doing is executing the mastery of his talents and abilities.

So my questions to you across any area of your life, is how still do you find yourself being at any particular point.

How present are you to what you are doing or are you constantly worrying about what happened in the past and forecasting that to the future.

And finally, do you master your ability or are you just executing your talent. Have you developed your talent to a point that you can literally raise your eyes and execute at a world record level.

They are the five steps to elite performance. And every single elite performer does that.

Until I see you in the next video, be well and be brilliant for all those waiting for you to serve them. Leave a comment, pose a question and I’ll see you in the next video.

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