#6 Horizons: The 8 Pillars of Elite Performers

Uncategorized Jun 27, 2016

In this 60-second Street Session, I discussed one simple tactic that will empower your every moment.

Street Session: Transcript

#6 Horizons - 8 Pillars of Elite Performance

Hi it’s Stephen De Sede welcome to Horizons. I just wanted to talk to you about what I call the 8 Pillars of Elite or High Performance.

Chris from the UK always challenges me on why, “Steve if there are 8 pillars, why aren’t there 8 pillars?” Sorry Chris, I have always drawn it up like this so we are going to keep doing this.

I want to talk to you about, how do you create high performance in your productivity, your physiology, your psychology and ability to persuade?

There are four foundation that enable those four pillars (productivity, physiology, psychology, persuade) of high performance in those Four C’s. Constancy, Constancy, Competence and Confidence.

They are what I call the four C’s of high performance and think of any high performance aspect, whether it is an individual, whether it’s a company, Uber is coming to mind as I film here.

They are very Consistent, they show up the same value proposition every single time.

They Constantly show up every single time. Therefore you have a trends sense of Competence  in them. That when, as I do here at Horizons, I walk out the door and need to get into the Melbourne city, I am in the lift, organising a car, knowing that it is going to be: Consistent and Constant, Competent that it will be there in 3-5 minutes worst case.

So, my level of Confidence in them delivering what I want, in this instance a ride into the city is rock solid. That enables my productivity, physiology, psychology, persuasion to be mile sky high.

How Constant and Constant, Consistent in the value proposition that your business or goods or services or you as a friend, how Consistent are you?

How Constant are you in terms of rolling up in the same way every single time. Think of Uber or any high performer. Does that create a sense a sense of Competence in that individual or organisation and you become very confident that they are the people that are going to help me.

So if you want to become a high performer, create a level of Consistency and Constancy that will develop Competency in yourself and a Confidence in yourself.

Once you are Confident, you can then increase your Productivity, Physiology the way that you actually move they way that you actually express yourself is enhanced.

Your Psychology, the way you think, the power of your mind absolutely goes higher therefore you ability to persuade because high performers have an amazing ability to set an example of what they do, how they do it and they do it because of these:

Consistent, Constant, Competence and Confidence which generates the ability for them to be a high performer.

So my question to you is rarely simple. How consistent, constant and competent in your own mind and therefore confident in your own self are you?

And what kind of example do you give to others because of it. Enabling their Four P’s (Productivity, Physiology, Psychology, Persuasion) to mile high sky rocket just like yours.

I’ll see you in the next video.

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