#6 Street Sessions - Time

Uncategorized Jun 13, 2016

Our most precious asset, a 60 second "streets" after a powerful story of loss. 

You'll not think of time in the same way after this.


In this 60-second Street Session, I discussed one simple tactic that will empower your every moment.

Street Session: Transcript

#6 Time

In this session, we are going to talk about time. I want you to get present about the concept of time.

Time can’t be bargained with, negotiated with, we can't discount it, and we can't recall it and you can't take it back.

So last week, a guy from another part of the world, told me a story about eighteen years ago how his wife was killed, not by accident, but intentionally by some mad man. And he told me, "I touched things one time now, Steve, because I know how easily time can be taken from you."

So my question to you, both personally and professionally, what would happen to your personal and professional life if you decided that every single that I do, I am going to touch one time with my all, because you never know when time will be ended for you?

One touch, one time with your all. Be "All In" because you can't take time back. So be present to every moment.

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