#7 Horizons: Creating a G.U.E.S.T. Experience

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2016

How do you create a G.U.E.S.T. Experience, for every person you meet in your business today. Why it matters...because EVERY consumer today, including you and me, not only expects it, they demand it!

Street Session: Transcript

#7 Horizons - G.U.E.S.T. Experience

I want to talk to you about how do you create or are creating distinction.

If we did a name association for a moment, if I said the word client, most business owners would probably say get a client.

If I said the word customer, it is not uncommon to come up with the word customer service.

If I say Guest, the elite distinctive brands the Tiffany’s, the Loui Vuitton’s, the elite brands of the world, if I say Guest, they say and create Experience.

So how do you create a distinctive experience in your brand, your goods and your services. Well, let me just break down what I believe the word Guest stands for and that in the De Sede Group, I don’t have clients I have G.U.E.S.T.s. They are like extended family to me.

All my clients are my G.U.E.S.T.s. Every aspect or contact I have with another human being, whether it’s ordering a latte or a long term relationship, I try and create a G.U.E.S.T. experience. In the moments I am ordering a coffee all the way to long standing clients or personal relationships.

So what is a G.U.E.S.T.

A guest is having an attitude of GRATITUDE that they’re actually in your life in whatever capacity that they are, even if just serving me a coffee.

I want to create a sense of UNION for the period of time that I am with them.

I want to EDUCATE them on my expertise (it is not uncommon for me to be drawing out napkins for marketing or business trainees and graduates at coffee shops, because I want to educate them on my expertise in the moments that I am with them)

It STARTs at first contact

and it to be TIMELESS.

It STARTs at first contact, from the moment that I meet them until any time that they ever have anything to do with me.

A G.U.E.S.T. experience, creating distinction in this knowledge economy is about your:



how you EDUCATE

at the point of (START) first contact

and how it is TIMELESS

SO my questions for you are:

How do you create a G.U.E.S.T. experience  in your business?
What would you educate them on if you had the opportunity to do that?
and what are you actually Grateful for in the connection of anyone that you meet?

Whether it is having a coffee or all the way through to a small or large client opportunity.

What G.U.E.S.T. experience do you create; how do you educate them on your expertise and what are you actually grateful for in the opportunity to create that experience with them.

Leave some questions and comments below, until I see you in the next video, Be Well and Be Brilliant for all those that are waiting for the G.U.E.S.T. experience of your service.

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