Exploring the Power of Living Your Calling

Uncategorized May 09, 2023

Have you ever experienced a deep sense of purpose, a feeling that you are meant to build communities and empower others? Many of us have felt this calling, but often struggle to understand its significance and purpose. In a fascinating conversation between Andrea and I, the concept of living your calling is explored, shedding light on the transformative potential it holds. Let's dive deeper into their discussion and uncover the key insights.

Shifting from Feeling to Commitment:

One of the fundamental aspects I emphasized is the importance of recognizing that a calling is not merely a fleeting feeling, but a lifelong commitment. When you truly embrace your calling, it becomes a driving force in your life, guiding your actions and decisions. By understanding this shift, you can approach your calling with greater clarity and dedication.

Creating Safe Spaces for Connection:

Building communities is often an integral part of answering your calling. These communities serve as safe spaces where like-minded individuals can connect and support one another. I highlight the significance of these safe spaces, which offer love, acceptance, and understanding. By fostering a sense of belonging, you enable others to find the courage to be their authentic selves.

The Three Pillars of Life:

In exploring the broader context of our calling, I invites you to reflect on three pillar areas: personal life, professional life, and relationships. These interconnected aspects shape our overall well-being and fulfillment. By aligning our commitment to our calling with these pillars, we can lead more purposeful and balanced lives.

Embracing Commitment as a Challenge:

Commitment to a calling is not always easy. It requires dedication, perseverance, and the willingness to overcome obstacles. Stephen reminds us that this struggle is universal; it is the courageous version of what everyone secretly hopes someone else will address. By embracing the challenges that come with our calling, we become beacons of inspiration for others, showing them what is possible.

Confidence, Love, and Like-Minded Connections:

I encourage you to cultivate confidence in expressing our commitment to our calling. By doing so, we attract like-minded individuals who resonate with our message and purpose. Love becomes the foundation of our safe spaces, enabling us to transcend judgment and criticism. Through love and commitment, we create a positive ripple effect, empowering others to embrace their own callings and make a difference in the world.

Living Your Calling

Living your calling is not a mere feeling but a profound commitment that shapes your life's purpose. It involves creating safe spaces, embracing challenges, and attracting like-minded individuals. As you embark on this journey, remember to shift from feeling to commitment, cultivate confidence, and infuse love into all that you do. By fully embracing your calling, you have the power to inspire and impact others, making the world a better place for everyone.


Watch the full episode below:

How do you Unlock the Psychology that enables Human Behaviour?

I’m Stephen De Sede, a Human Intelligence Strategist with 3 Decades of Global Experience across 30 cultures, relentlessly uncovering the C.E.L.L. framework of human performance.

We unlock all things connected to the psychology driving human behaviour, individually, in teams, personally and professionally.

I share all I have learnt, from the lessons of failures, the brutal truths to success strategies.


Be well, be brilliant,



The HumanExp C.E.L.L. framework.
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