How To A.S.S.U.R.E. your Next Customer you can help them



Authors, Speakers, Entrepreneurs, Networkers: How do you package up your story and expertise in today's in demand personal branding space?

Video Transcript

Hi, welcome back! I want to take our journey of how we story whether it’s your story that you’ve chosen as the type of material, eBook or PDF or whatever the content is.

How are you going to package your mastery and create your Authority through Authorship, and we have said in the opening video is it through your story as an eBook.

Is it through a fictional story as an eBook or is it through some Reach and Teach material that you put in to an eBook kind of manual or guide that is in an eBook format or PDF.

A lot of what I’m telling you right now is applicable to any content that you create, but we are focusing in on Authority through Authorship in the Amazon to Audio model. Many of you may be going, "Steve just tell me how to tell my story", and that’s not what I’m trying to do at this point. I’m trying to anchor you into the foundation of some simple philosophies of the "four whys", of why people would actually even think what’s this for me, this now, and why should I listen to you. And then the three reasons that motivate all of us to learn.

In this video inside the Content Marketing Program the second module talks about:

  • How do you explore your marketplace?
  • How do you engage them with your expertise?
  • How do you educate them and then how do you exceed their expectations?
  • How do you explore through what I called a Delve and D.I.G. formula
  • What’s their dilemma, their issues and their grief?
  • How do you engage them with your Secure to Assure that you have what it takes to satisfy the me, this, now, and you
  • And you have understood through the explore about the aw, the wow, and the now

Now I can hear all the Wisdom Council is going that’s a whole lot. Well it is, but let’s just pause and let me summarise all that again. When you engage your marketplace, whether it’s to actually educate them which is part of the service-based knowledge economy that we are in, one of the things that you need to be absolutely focused on is Them.

It’s not about what you’ve got, it’s about what you can give, and in terms of giving, they’ve got to have the reasons why they would be interested and whether there’s an avoid gain or a how to that they’re seeking from you.

So what I talked about in the A.S.S.U.R.E. process is a very simple process of this is you and the blue is them.

Now what I want you to do is in your mind find someone who provide some service to you; some type of service.

Think of that person in the context of this next few minutes we’re going to share. Think of whoever that person is that provides you a level of expertise and a level of value add into your life, personally, professionally, socially, relationally, whatever it may be just get that person in your mind.

Got them?

Someone who you find very valuable in helping you do something whatever it maybe. It doesn’t matter what it is but as long as there is someone that helps you with nutrition. Someone who helps you with sort of managing your business, a business consultant or a coach if you will, someone who is good at advertising, someone who is like Niam, good at interior design, builder like Theo, Tanya and Lee in their business.

Stef for example who gives me an unbelievable amount of assistance in terms of nutrition and health, whatever it is.

Kelvin who gives me an unbelievable information about business and structure. Whatever it is, think of that person and capture them in your mind as I go through what we’re about to do.

The A.S.S.U.R.E. process actually talks about in terms of your situation when you make a selection of someone, you want to know what their ability is, you want to know what their skill is, you want to know what their struggles have been, you want to know what their undertakings have been, you want to know what their reputation is and you want to know what their expertise is and I think I’m gone off a screen if I have, I’ll come back I promise.

So the Secure to A.S.S.U.R.E. is what’s their ability, skill, struggle, undertaking, reputation, and expertise.

You have to actually project that out into the marketplace because when you do this, the marketplace, this is what they see.

When they see your ability, they think of your capability. When they see your skills, they think and I quote that to your knowledge.

When they see your struggle, they see that as your experience. When they see the various undertaking successful or not, they see that as your judgment and when they see your reputation they hear that as your authority and when they experience your expertise, it’s particularly in today’s knowledge economy, it’s your ability to communicate and engage them with your expertise.

Your ability to do something, the skills, your struggles overtime, your undertakings throughout your career, your reputation that you’ve established and your expertise, your marketplace cease that as your capability, knowledge, experience, your judgment, your authority, and your ability to communicate all of the previous.

So when we go into this the four whys: why me Steve, why would I want to read my book, The Advance of Smart.

Why this Steve? Why now and why would I listen to you anyway?

One of the things is my ability which is they see as my capability links to them, they see that I guess this is for me given his capability. In terms of his skills and his undertakings given his knowledge and his judgments, this might be something I should pay attention to.

Thirdly, given his struggles and his reputation which I see as his experiences authority, this might be something I need to consider now and then finally why would I even consider Steve.

Well given his ability to communicate through the modalities of seeing, hearing, and touching which is the three ways we actually physically learn.

We see things, we hear things and we physically touch things or our emotionally touched by things, it’s called a visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic.

What I’d like to say is see, hear, and touch and that touch is in both emotional form and physical form and then I would pick up a piece of paper. So when people are asking the four whys your ability, skill, struggle, undertaking, reputation, and expertise they link the capability to, "his capability, there’s probably something for me".

His knowledge and his judgment are probably should listen to this. His experience and his authority I probably need to listen to this now and because of his ways of communicating with me it sounds as if his got the ability to communicate all of the previous so maybe it is something that I need to pay attention to from you.

And the reason I’m doing this before we get in to some of the structural stuff around how do you go about the storying and speaking, describing, and ceasing is if you lose sight of this as you go through whatever material you’re producing, you will lose sight of your connection and these connections will become broken.

When there is a disconnect between why the person would engage you and what you’ve got for them. When there is a disconnect, it’s the reason that people won’t allow you to reach and teach them let alone them reaching back.

We live in a world today where everyone is so focused on the latest widget, the latest social media, the latest Facebook plug-in, the latest WordPess plug-in. Everyone is so focused on creating what I called "the buckets to the tape", for new Facebook page, great! A new Facebook funnel great! A new word great! Getting on the front page, great!

But if you have a new Facebook page, you have a new WordPress plug in, you have, you have, you have the ways people can connect with you in our interconnected world, but they arrive there and find the disconnect between who you are and why they would be interested it’s the reason you have the latest plug in of blah, blah and blah but unless you fill your latest what I call online bucket with something that’s genuine, authentic, and meaningful.

Or with your: ability that - they see as your capability your skill - which they see is your knowledge your struggles - which they see as your experience your undertakings - which gives them the assurance of your judgment your reputation - which gives them a confirmation of your authority and your expertise - by way you communicate.

If not, you are just going to have the latest whatever it is and no one’s going to be interested if you’ve left this disconnect out.

There is no point in storying what you do if you’ve missed this piece out and in the next videos and the remainder of the modules. This is the foundation of how you tell a story, whether it’s your story, whether it’s a fictional story or whether it’s a reach and teach education piece of content.

I’ll see you in the next video. Be well, Be Brilliant! We'll take this several steps deeper. The structure of how to in those coming videos. See you there!


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