Introducing The De Sede Distinction Academy

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2016


How do you stand out in an overcrowded, information overloaded world?

How do you create your Distinction?

I call it your Unique Engagement Persepective! Today's, the web is no longer about how, it is about who. 

People, including you and I, can access 100's of millions of choices of "how to do" near anything. As a result, we are increasing sharing more than searching. 

Sharing opinions, sharing feels and needs...ah yes, you remember now, we are all doing it. It's why finding that one opinion shared about "that restaurant" "that hotel" far outways the millions of search results for those restaurants or those hotels. 

How do you package up your Unique Engagement Perspective. To be Distinctive. It's why I built the Distinction Academy

FULL PREVIEW (Including individual course models) CLICK HERE 


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