Sitting in on a Content Production Workshop

Uncategorized May 25, 2017


Part 1 - Generating Content

How to Build a Professional Branding Platform


Everyone knows the need to create content today.

Every CEO, business owner, entrepreneur as well as ALL OF US, as customers and consumers have heard about the need for:

- great content
- in video
- in podcast
- in blogs
- in books

The only thing that is increasing at a similar rate is the need to have:

 - your why
- your story
- the narrative that makes up the character of your business

Your Personal and Professional Brand.

We are also increasingly hearing, Humans buy and engage with other humans.

So the burning question now is how effectively you develop and create content of this style? This is rapidly becoming the single biggest determining factor in your business success.

Trying to "drive traffic" without an understanding of this has long since past critical.

In this workshop with Charles Fairlie of Unsung Business Heroes and Toby Marshall of Lead Creation (thanks for hosting us Toby), we break down the essence of the Unsung Business Heroes platform and how we, with Toby's expertise and his team's support, are turning UBH into a content production platform.

Workshop Video Transcript - Content Production Workshop

Stephen De Sede,

Charles Fairlie, Purpose Publishing

Toby Marshall, Lead Creation

Toby Marshall:  Turnover is not a great figure. What might be good, one thing might be is just the sheer volume of content. It might have number of videos, it might have number of podcast.

Stephen De Sede:  If I think of the conversation since I've been in Sydney, there I've sat with you and they've had, people are going "I need to be doing video, I need to be doing blogging". If it came up that Unsung Business Heroes stats has X number of hours, wow! That works.

Charles Fairlie:  The stats is not massive yet. I mean they're growing of course.

Stephen De Sede:  But they're big enough.

Toby Marshall:  They're big enough, guys come on. Most people are just trying to get one video. It's a content creation process machine. This is what it is. And people, CEOs are well aware of the need for good content. That's such a reality. 

Stephen De Sede:  I think it's pretty impressive now, when you think some people haven't done one second of video and you're going to put on your website, you've got over 200 minutes, with 50 people at CEO levels.

Charles, this bit here on your notes, when someone like a Richard Furnari actually speaks, we need to provide him some type of offer even if it's a guide on how to record it. 

Because of all the events I've been to since I've been in Sydney, hardly any of them get recorded.

Toby, when you do your one in early June, if you record it, you turn it into a video, a podcast, a blog, and a book.

Let's say it cost you a $1,000 including editing, and that's cheap, even if it did.

So you speak at an event and you speak for 2 hours, then you create a:

YouTube channel out of it, 
then you create a podcast channel out of it
then you create a series of blog post out of it
then turn into some type of eBook

You then got content for about 6 months that you can send out because we turned:

- 8 of the heroes into 60 videos 

- and post it twice a week for 30 weeks.

That's worth a 1,000 bucks.

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