World Class Brands Create GUEST Experiences.

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2017

Invite people home and they're your Guest. Invite them to your Business and they are a Customer. Why the difference?

I'm in Sydney Australia but recently on a flying visit through Perth on the West Coast I was talking about and filming my course Visual Simplicity.

In the middle of filming, we stopped and I shot this 3 minute video about:  


And to be clear, it's not for what they call their clients or customers, but their GUESTs!


Too busy to watch, listen here whilst on the go here:

Street Session: Transcript (plus extra)


Video Timecodes: (where the important bits)

00:10 The two mistakes business makes in customer categories

00:18 Why creating a Community, Globally or locally is critical

00:23 What is the number one driver for your business?

00:33 Name association, the two biggest mistakes in business today

00:45 The best example ever: getting on an Airline

01:17 How to build an elite brand G.U.E.S.T. Experience 

02:38 What would happen to your business if you applied this?

Three Step Conclusion

  1. No longer think of Clients or Customer, think G.U.E.S.T.
  2. Create an Experience at every interaction and touch point in your business
  3. Finally, treat everyone that enters your business as if they are entering your home

Remember ALWAYS, if not for you Business G.U.E.S.T.s you'd not be able to have any house Guests over anyways!

Until next time, Be Well and Be Brilliant for all those waiting for you to serve them.


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